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Well I’m sure you know what this is about since the title says wholesale lots DVDs. Now I wasn’t too sure whether I was gonna suggest wholesale DVD’s or not. Mostly because of the advancements in technology like digital downloading making it unnecessary to have the hard copy or DVD in your hands. So in this post instead of just a straight recommendation I’ll name some positives and negatives and let you decide if it‘s a good idea or not.
Let me just say that I prefer mentioning and recommending products that will more than likely have steady and consistent demand long into the future. Because for business purposes you want to be around for years to come and not see your profits disappear overnight. The point I’m trying to make is that more or less I prefer to recommend something that will give you comfort and stability into the future and it‘s looking like DVD‘s can‘t do that.
With all that said I thought I’d mention it anyways because movies are very popular and as far as DVDs being obsolete as a product they still do have at least few years to go. Hey, I still have VHS movies that I pop into the old VCR from time to time. So since I still have some VHS tapes even though those are basically no longer relevant except for in this post I’m sure others still have their old movies as well. So you would think that DVDs still have some life left in them. For how long I’m not too sure maybe Blu-Ray DVDs which is a higher quality DVD or digital video disc can keep this way of watching movies alive a while longer.
Something great and unique that DVDs offer is extra content special features, behind the scenes, deleted scenes, interviews, commentary and things like that. Which is probably possible with digital downloading but, probably not the norm. For many that is the appeal of DVD’s it’s all the extra things you get with it, 2 disc special editions of a new release is basically standard. A look into how the movie was made is very appealing to a lot of people especially if it‘s one of their favorite movies.
Aside from movies if you have a favorite TV show you could own the complete series. It will sit there right on your shelf until you feel like watching it you no longer have to wait for its time slot. That goes for current and past TV shows anything that has ever been on TV is probably now on DVD. Walk down the DVD isle and you’ll find box sets of classic shows and even old cartoons that you use to watch as a kid. I know that there are a lot of shows available on the internet too but, is it really more convenient than a DVD? That seems to be where the business of entertainment is going, just look at cell phones and what their doing with media.
Big studios are still making plenty of money from DVD’s so they’re going to stay around a while longer. Here’s a short list of companies and studios making money through there sales but, this isn‘t even half the studios out there just some of the major ones.
- Dreamworks
- 20th Century Fox
- Universal Studios
- Paramount Pictures
- Columbia Pictures
- Sony Pictures
- Warner Bros.
- New Line Cinema
- Walt Disney Pictures
- Touchstone Pictures
- Lions Gate Entertainment
Will Blu-ray DVDs keep DVDs alive for a lot longer it hard to say I don’t know for sure. But digital downloading is a big sign of things to come. If you want to sell DVDs go ahead there’s still life in the business it’s just not as predicable as some of my other recommendations Well that’s my rant about wholesale DVDs take it how you will if you want to sell them go for it if not well hopefully some of my other recommendations will suit you better.
How about the wholesale plus size clothing market everybody wears and needs clothing. The plus size market isn’t all that different than others in fashion. They would like to be fashionable too they don’t want to wear the old moo moo’s or a big ole blanket. They need t-shirts, pants, jeans and underwear just like the rest of us. It’s all about looking good and feeling good.

Before the plus size clothing market was pretty limited but today that’s not the case. Since there’s a demand retailers now want to supply it. Not only are retailers supplying plus size clothing but, there are now department stores that are specifically for plus size people. Since there’s department stores dedicated to plus size people then obviously there are closing lines completely dedicated to creating plus size clothing.
The plus size clothing industry is a $26 billion dollar industry. Not only that but it’s still today fairly untapped but, has been getting a lot more attention and is more mainstream than ever. People are larger today than they were 20 years ago that’s a fact and 60% of people over 40 are overweight. One in three Americans is overweight and if you’ve walked through your local mall lately I’m sure that figure isn’t too shocking.
Other than blouses, bras, shorts, tank tops dresses, swimwear and things along those lines you might think about looking into plus size lingerie. Because plus size women have that side to them too, I’m talking about people just like you and me only plus size. They want all the things any other women would want. Plus surveys have shown that around 30% of the female population has purchased some kind of plus size clothing.
I’ve mentioned females and their desire for fashionable plus size clothing and even lingerie but, haven’t exactly mentioned males. The same things apply to huskier men that do to women, they have their own sense of style and would prefer having more options when it comes to clothing. Then you have guys who just prefer just to wear bigger and baggier clothes, he may not necessarily be overweight but just prefers to wear something baggy.
It’s fairly straight forward just like you want to wear what you like they want the same thing. You would probably like as many options to chose from as possible. You want to be comfortable, you want to look good. Maybe you like to dress to impress well so do others. Put a nice piece of plus size clothing in front of someone looking for it and you will make a sale. Wholesale plus size clothing is a nice niche in the fashion world and one that you might want to look into.
Let me talk to you about wholesale kitchen cabinets, it’s a little bit different from some of my previously suggested products. They were more lower-priced and maybe a little bit easier for just about everyone to get into. Kitchen cabinets can be pretty pricey even at wholesale prices so some may not be able to get into this market right away. They can be around a thousand dollars but with that being said you would also receive a larger chunk of income with every sale then you would lower priced products.

The thing about kitchen cabinets is that it’s standard in every home and every apartment. Yes the housing market at the time that I write this seems to have slowed down a bit compared to the previous years but, that does mean there’s nothing being done on the housing front. Homeowners, investors, landlords and others involved in real estate are somewhere fixing up or building a new pieces of property.
Aside from the construction of more houses you have remodeling and the do-it-yourself industry. The do-it-yourself market is very profitable in itself I mean it has its own TV channel and stores like Home Depot are built around it. Homeowners will eventually do some kind of home improvements and the kitchen is for sure toward the top of that to do list. The same thing can be said for real estate investors who purchase a house fix it up and sell it for a profit. The kitchen can make a big difference in the perceived value of a home.
Woods is probably the most popular type of cabinet but, they do have the metal and laminate ones. As far as wood goes maple and oak are the most common, they‘ve always been a favorites for the home. The biggest problem with wood cabinets is that they can expensive. Many people are bargain shoppers and will be looking to get them for cheap or at a discount or possibly a wood alternative. Which brings me to laminate, it’s popular because it looks like wood but is much more affordable. It has an easy to cleaned surface and is very long-lasting and durable. It’s cost-effective and still looks great in people’s kitchens.
People will be considering color when picking out their kitchen cabinets as well as design, Something that will complement the rest of the house. From black to white or the ever so popular cherry, to modern and contemporary styles there’s more than one type of kitchen cabinet. There is a style for everyone so do your research here and you could hit the jackpot.
Some people out there would prefer an unfinished cabinet what they call an RTA kitchen cabinet which stands for ready to assemble. These are a nice convenience because people order them and assemble it themselves. Some would just prefer to put them together than have them already assembled. You have the hands-on people and the do-it-yourself crowd who would prefer to do it this way.
As always there’s different ways to approach this by targeting style or color but, just go with whatever fits your business best. Hopefully I can offer enough ideas to spark your thinking Like I said before this is a higher-end product price wise so your commission will be higher but, wholesale kitchen cabinets may not be the place you want start if your just beginning your entrepreneurial journey.
Here’s one you may not have thought of Hello Kitty wholesale. I’m sure you have seen the image below somewhere before. I’d be surprised if you haven’t it’s a popular brand with a mostly female oriented audience just like an earlier post I did on wholesale make up. Now don’t think that this is just for kids either Hello kitty is loved by females of all ages.

Let me start with the younger crowd because I think the attraction to this brand is pretty obvious, it’s cute and girly. It’s not hard to picture a girl liking the dolls, stickers, games, puzzles, clothes, costumes, charms and other accessories. Boys have action figures and superheroes girls have Barbie’s and Hello Kitty. That’s putting things in a nut shell I know kids will have other interests but, sooner or later those things will cross their paths.
Since the young get introduced to technology practically at birth you’ll see Hello Kitty on a lot of electronic devices like a cell phone or mobile phone, digital camera, an mp3 player even a computer mouse. Although you may think that only young girls would have these on there electronics that’s not true it‘s very popular with grow adult females.
The thing about Hello Kitty and adult females is that it has that cuteness factor that they love. Plus the logo has that subtle sexy little innuendo of a little kitty. Those things together the cuteness aspect with the sexiness factor and you have something that a grow women is going to love. It’s just so feminine in an awesome way, that may be the best way for me to describe Hello Kitty if you’re a male reading this. If you’re a female you probably already understand where I‘m coming from.
This brand is kind of like the color pink it’s just easily associated with females. Fashion and style is another thing they’re associated with so of course Hello Kitty can be found there to. You’ll see it’s image on all kinds of clothing from tee shirts to underwear but they didn’t stop there. They also have accessories like watches, rings, organizers, purses, handbags, an umbrella, messenger bags even luggage.
As with any licensed product you can get things like a clock or a radio but anyways, hopefully I have gotten the point across about the wide range of products available. Just think about any popular character fictional or not and what have you seen them on. Take a look around your house I’m sure have got to have some kind of licensed product. The thing about them is companies will put them on anything and everything. Just take a look at my Disney wholesale post for example.
The main reason I like this brand so much is that the audience isn’t just going to disappear meaning females and also it’s a strong brand. Hello Kitty isn’t just a trend, it was originally created in Japan in 1974 then 2 years later 1976 it was brought to the United States. This brand has held it’s own for over 30 years and just for your information through licensing agreements it’s worth $1billion dollars annually. So yes Hello Kitty wholesale look into check it out I’m sure there something for you and your business.
Wholesale plastic bags is something that is essential for just about every type of business out their. Maybe you came here looking to purchase them then resell them or maybe you came here looking for a good source to purchase them from. Either way check out the link below for some great wholesale suppliers.

The thing about plastic bags and business is the simple fact that you will more than likely need them. Unless you’re selling a service than you might not need them but, if you sell any type of product you will not only need them but you will need a constant supply of them.
Plastic bags are a necessary business expense for just about every business running so you’ll need to purchase wholesale plastic bags. Running out of bags would be a little embarrassing and maybe hurtful to your business. So you want to make sure this seemingly minor business expense is taken care of like clock work.
There is a few different things you want to look over when purchasing wholesale bags. There are different types of plastic bags and you may need or want different things for your bags. It’s seems simple and it pretty much is but, when customer get to their house do you want them to see your businesses logo.
Plastic bags can be great for promotional use too because your customer can see you business name on the bag. You can get them personalized with just about anything you want on it. Overall getting custom printing done on your bags is a nice subtle way to promote your business.
As far as what they are made of the most common ones that you will come across are polyethylene, poly for short also polypropylene. Cellophane bags is also a popular type of bag. It depends on the manufacturer you go through because some manufacturers specialize in one style. Of course it also depends on what style your looking for.
Are you looking for the standard retail plastic bags and produce bags? Do you want them clear or maybe a little frosted? Then you also have to think of the size of the bag you want. You can go small large or how about something in between. I guess it depends on what will be put inside the bags, just some small details you may want to pay attention to.
To wrap things up going green is a popular thing to do these days so why not purchase eco friendly bags. You can go with recycled, recyclable, reusable, biodegradable you know things along those lines. I’m sure your customers will appreciate the fact that your a responsible business.
How about Disney wholesale products? Disney is popular with people of all ages and it will probably remain so for years to come. They’re a family friendly company and have a wide array of everything. Lots of characters, lots of movies, lots of products and lots of money.
Disney has put their likeness on everything so you shouldn’t have a problem finding something to sell. There are niches and markets everywhere when it comes to Disney products, I’m sure you’ve seen many of them before.
Here’s a short list of Disney wholesale possibilities.
- Movies
- T-shirts
- Shorts
- Boys Apparel
- Girls Apparel
- Infant Apparel
- Maternity Apparel
- Jackets
- Pajamas
- Shoes
- Buckles
- Caps
- Toys
- Activity Books
- Action Figures
- Video Games
- Educational Toys
- Board Games
- Collectible Figures
- Collectibles
- Watches
- Bags
- Bracelets
- Necklace
- Trinket Boxes
- Banks
- Clocks
- Food
- Candy
- Home Decor
- Bowls
- Dishes
- Bed
- Bath
The first thing that might come to mind when it comes to Disney is their movies. Who doesn’t own a Disney movie? Aside from their big budget motion pictures they also own Pixar the animation studio which has also had great success. And you know what happens when this company releases a movie don’t you, movie tie ins. They leverage the release of a movie to push tons of products, just like the one’s listed above.
Don’t forget about the whole tween crowd you know like Miley Cyrus who is huge at the time I’m writing this. Then you have the Jonas brother who are also a big deal for Disney right now. Don’t think of the tween crowd as a small market because it’s not just take a look at the Disney channel, Disney’s all over it. And let’s not forget about the massive success of High School Musical.
How about trying target specific Disney character like Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Goofy, Pluto the list goes on and on. Disney has also purchased Marvel the comic book company who have lots of characters of their own. So when it comes to character related products you have lots of options.
Almost everyone has grow up watching Disney and from a very young age. Not only that but, most people have fond memories of their childhood and going to a Disney movie or Disneyland could be one of those cherished memories. That being said when those children grow into adult they would likely try to make similar moment and memories with children of their own.
My last post on wholesale greeting cards is another thing that this brand is tied in to. Disney definitely knows what it’s doing business wise they’ve built a strong brand and have an endless customer base because it‘s such a family brand. So of course I recommend selling Disney wholesale products it gives you many options for products and leverage in many markets, it‘s a nice brand to have on your side.
Selling wholesale greeting cards is another great product to look into. It’s something that isn’t just limited to the holidays these will sell year round, any day can mean something to someone. It’s true holidays may be the first thing that comes to mind like xmas cards but, you also have to think about birthday cards, get well cards, congratulation cards, new baby cards, anniversary cards, thank you cards, or even invitations.

A greeting card company or companies will offers different styles and designs. Things like funny or humorous cards, romantic ones or musical ones just to name a few. Most will be on paper but there are some that are not but, they all will create a nice little moment.
The thing about greeting cards is that it’s a nice gesture. Plus they can also be a quick fix if your doing things at the last minute or just plain forgot about a certain occasion. Like a lazy guy who buys them for his girlfriend because it’s the easy thing to do. The opposite is also true you may have a real ladies man who want’s to surprise his lovely lady.
Let me talk about birthday cards because everyday someone celebrates a birthday. If it’s your birthday receiving a card is almost a given. Don’t you remember tearing open the envelope hoping to find money inside the card? How about giving your parents or grandparents a card, it’s just a nice way to say happy birthday and about as traditional as a birthday cake.
Now when the holidays come around holiday greeting cards are flying around everywhere. Friends and relatives out of town or local will purchase many greeting cards to send out to their loved ones. It’s a convenient way to say I love you I miss you and that you are on our minds and in our hearts.
Below is a list of holidays I found on Wikipedia. Some I’m very familiar with and others not so much. While I might not have heard of them all, many others probably have. A greeting card is fitting for just about every occasion mention on the list below.
List of holidays
- 1 January - New Year's Day
- 18 January - Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- 2 February - Groundhog Day
- 7 February - Super Bowl Sunday
- 14 February - Valentine's Day
- 15 February - Presidents Day
- 17 February - Ash Wednesday
- 17 March - St. Patrick's Day
- 20 March - Vernal Equinox
- 28 March - Palm Sunday
- 29 March - First day of Passover
- 30 March - National Doctors' Day
- 1 April - April Fools' Day
- 2 April - Good Friday
- 4 April - Easter Sunday
- 5 April - Easter Monday
- 6 April - Last Day of Passover
- 19 April - Patriot's Day/Marathon Monday
- 22 April - Earth Day
- 30 April - Arbor Day
- 5 May - Cinco De Mayo
- 9 May - Mother's Day
- 23 May - Pentecost Sunday
- 31 May - Memorial Day
- 14 June - Flag Day
- 20 June - Father's Day
- 21 June - Summer Solstice
- 4 July - Independence Day
- 12 August - First day of Ramadan
- 6 September - Labor Day
- 8 September - Rosh Hashanah
- 10 September - Last day of Ramadan
- 11 September - Eid-al-Fitr/Day
- 17 September - Constitution Day
- 17 September - Yom Kippur
- 22 September - First day of Sukkot
- 23 September - Autumnal equinox
- 29 September - Last Day of Sukkot
- 30 September - Simchat Torah
- 9 October - Leif Erikson Day
- 11 October - Columbus Day
- 30 October - Mischief Night
- 31 October - Halloween
- 1 November - All Saints Day
- 11 November - Veterans Day
- 25 November - Thanksgiving
- 26 November - Black Friday
- 1 December - First day of Hanukkah
- 7 December - Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day
- 9 December - Last day of Hanukkah
- 21 December - Winter Solstice
- 24 December - Christmas Eve
- 25 December - Christmas Day
- 26 December - First day of Kwanzaa
- 31 December - New Year's Eve
Holidays can mean different things to different people and a greeting card can say things that people may not be able to necessarily say themselves. No matter what the card says it’s the fact that someone is thinking about you and cares about what’s going on in you life wishing you the best in all you endeavors.
They can bring a nice laugh to a person or crowd and who doesn’t like a good laugh and kind words. It‘s for those reason that wholesale greeting cards won‘t go out of style and will keep moving off the shelves all year round. While one day may seem mundane to many of us it can be the birth of someone’s great grandchild.
The great thing about selling wholesale make up is that it’s a popular product all year round. Sales don’t tend to fall off at any time of the year. Aside from that a cosmetic product can only be used so many times before it’s time to purchase a new one. Who knows how many someone will purchase over the years.
It’s what they call an evergreen market meaning that it’s pretty safe to say that people are not going to stop wearing makeup anytime soon. So for the purpose of running a successful business, selling makeup is a great idea.
There’s many wholesale beauty products to choose from and all of them have some kind of demand.
Here’s a list of possible wholesale make up products.
- Blush
- Lipstick
- Foundation
- Eye shadow
- Mascara
- Brushes
- Cases
- Bags
Those are just the basics and the most popular beauty products but, it’s a nice place to start if you haven’t already.
You’ll also want to think about brands. Because there are people who do have brand loyalty and prefer to use one brand over another. They may believe it to be a superior brand or product or it just may be familiarity because they’ve used that namebrand for so long.
Here a list of the more popular cosmetic brands you could target.
- Lancome
- Chanel
- L’Oreal
- Rimmel
- Maybelline
- Make Up Store
- Estee Lauder
- Max Factor
- Bourjois
- Lancaster
- Giorgio Armani
- The body shop
- Clinique
Organic, natural, vanity, mineral are other segments of the make up market you might want to look into. Carving yourself out a good little niche can prove to be very profitable. Like focusing on certain parts of the face like eyes cheeks, lips, nails or skin.
These are just a few different ways to approach selling wholesale beauty products. It depends on the your situation and the size of your operation. You can target specific beauty products, specific markets, specific brands or you might be in the position to do all of the above. Either way wholesale make up is an excellent market to be in.